Fyrex, Ltd. was established in 2002 by highly motivated technical team that earlier co-founded Eastisoft, Inc. The main focus of the young company was the future development, implementation and support of the Grant Management System.

The successful history of the projects GMS 2000 (Grant Management System), GMS Millennium Edition (GMSMe) and Online Activity Consolidation System (OACS) defined the strong background of the Fyrex team. All these products have been developed for and are owned by the George Soros’ foundation – OSF, Zug, Switzerland.

All development, support, technical implementation and maintenance activities for GMS2000, GMSMe and OACS during the last 15 years have been completed by Fyrex team.

Fyrex, Ltd. provided Implementation of the GMS Millennium Edition in the entire Central Asia Region, Caucasus, Indonesia and Guatemala National Foundations of the OSF. Latest years was dedicated to Africa - Senegal, Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, Kenya.

The much needed revamping of the GMS Millenium Edition is now in progress. The main purpose is to refresh the technology behind it, and as an extra - addition of new features. The name of the new product is GMS.NET.