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EU Funds
2007, December:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in OSIWA, Senegal, Nigeria and Moldova
2007, October:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in OSISA, Angola
2007, August:
New GMSME Budget Submission Module released
2006, November:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in RHRN (Moscow)
2005, April:
Fyrex launches the final version of a web based Security and Vulnerability Management System on RedHat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server platform for an Italian Bank
2005, March:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Afghanistan
2005, February :
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Mongolia
2004, December:
Fyrex launches Multi-Database GMS ME for an Application Service Providing Center
2004, November:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Kazakhstan
2004, June:
Fyrex launches Multi-lingual version of GMS ME supporting English, Russian and Spanish user interface
2004, June:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Guatemala
2004, May:
Fyrex provided QA Services for Mobile Systems Inc., CA
2004, April:
Fyrex starts development of web based Security and Vulnerability Management System on RHELAS Linux Platform for an Italian Bank.
2004, March:
Fyrex launches another GMS ME in Kazakhstan
2004, June:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Azerbaijan
2003, June 16:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Indonezia
2003, May 25:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Mongolia
2003, April 25:
Fyrex launches the GMS-to-OACS Bridge, which automates the online transfer of financial information between GMS systems throughout the world and the OACS system in the central office. Data is sent in encrypted form over the Internet.
2003, April 25:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Armenia
2003, January 31:
Fyrex launches GMS ME Test installation in Mongolia
2002, December 20:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Kyrgyzstan
2002, December 10:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Tajikistan
2002, November 11:
Fyrex launches GMS ME in Uzbekistan
2002, November (5 – 10):
Fyrex organized training session for its clients. Participants have been introduced to the new functionality of the Grant Management System – Millennium Edition (GMS ME)